2024 List of Plants for Sale
at Anna’s Perennials Garden Center

Locally-grown & pesticide-free

Please note: some plants are in short supply. If you are looking for a particular plant, please call or email before driving a long way. We cannot guarantee that the plant you are looking for will be available all season. Some plants may not survive our winter, so the list may change in May. 

  • We don’t take debit or credit cards.  Payment: cash, e-transfer, cheque
  • The green font is used to list natives and ‘nativars’. Native cultivars aka ‘nativars’, are all derived from native species – they have undergone some level of selection.
  • The plants written in bold font are new for 2025
  • We do not give any guarantees.
  • All stock is warranted in good condition on leaving our nursery.
  • No warranty is made as to the productiveness of any stock sold.
  • Returns are not accepted.

Our prices:

Prices do not include HST.

Most of our plants are potted in 1 or 2-gallon pots. 

Perennials A-G

  • Acanthus hungaricus– bear’s breeches, h 3-4′, rose-purple June-July, sun to part shade, zone 5, dislike transplanting. Interesting foliage and flowers.
  •  Achillea millefolium ‘Paprika’  This hybrid selection has cherry-red, gold-centered flowers, later fading to light pink  h-18-27″    hot, dry, and sunny location  zone 2   DT 
  • Achillea millefolium “Terracotta”, beautiful blooms which open orange fading to yellow with age, h 29-35″, sun, zone 2 DT
  • Achillea millefolium “Walhter Funckle”, brick-red flowers that age to rusty terracotta orange, then creamy yellow. 29-35 inches, zone 2
  • Actinidia kolomikta, hardy kiwi vine, sun to part shade, zone 4, edible
  • Aconitum Arendsii –  deep blue, h 5′, sun to part shade,  all parts of the plant are poisonous, harmful if eaten
  • Aconitum Napellus, sun to part shade, blue, blooms  mid to late summer, all parts of the plant are poisonous, harmful if eaten
  • Aconitum Cloudy, white to pale purple flowers with purple petal margins. Height: 12-24″, zone 3. All parts of the plant are poisonous, and harmful if eaten
  • Actaea simplex ‘Black Negligee’( Cimicifuga, bugbane ) white, scented, h 4-5’, dark foliagefew available 
  • Actaea “Chocoholic” purple-black foliage, pinkish flowers, h 4-5′, zone 4, part shade to shade, few available 
  • Actea “Hillside Black Beauty” is an upright clump of striking, dark purplish-black foliage contrasted by long, white bottlebrush blooms late in the season. Part shade to shade, h 4-7′, zone 4
  • Actaea”Pink Spike” shell pink flowers, h-3-5′. part shade to shade, zone 4  
  • Actaea ‘James Compton’ compact, bronze-leaved bugbane cultivar that typically grows to 2.5-3’ tall. Small, numerous, creamy white (sometimes with a pink tinge), fragrant flowers appear in late summer to early fall,  not available in 2025
  • Actaea pachypoda ‘Misty Blue’ White Baneberry, Dolls Eyes, native perennial that typically grows to 30” tall and is primarily cultivated in woodland
  • Actaea is the new name for Cimicifuga. This is a most beautiful perennial for shade gardens, Foliage, flowers, and fragrance, this perennial has it all. My favorite.
  • Adiantum pedatum, Northern Maidenhair Fern, h 1-2′, part shade to shade, zone 3
  • Agastache ‘Blue Fortune’- Anise Hyssop, blue-purple flowers from early summer to late fall, h 24-36″, zone 4 sun!!
  • Alchemilla Mollis-Lady’s Mantle, green, h-18″, sun-part shade  
  • Allium-Curly Onion-pink, h-6″, sun
  • Amorpha canescens-Lead Plant-, a small, deciduous shrub,  with tiny, purple flowers grouped in colorful, terminal spikes. Blooms in 06-07 and it is loved by pollinators.  Native Americans used the leaves for smoking and for making tea. Sun, DT, poor soil tolerant. zone 2, h- 2-3′.
  • Amsonia hubrichtii-Narrowleaf Bluestar- from late spring through early summer, 2-3″ wide clusters of small, light blue, star-shaped flowers are borne above the short mound of ferny foliage. h2-3′, sun to part sun, zone 4
  • Amsonia “Storm Cloud” blue, dark steams, h-3′, sun to part shade, zone 4
  • Anemone Japonica-pink, h-3’sun- part shade, TD
  • Anemone hybrid” Honorine Jobert”, white flowers in September, Sun to part shade,  h- 3-4, zone 4 
  • Anemone sylvestris, white blooms in April. h-1′ – 1,5′, Sun to part shade, Can be very aggressive in loose soils but spreads less in clay soils. zone 4. 
  • Aquilegia Canadensis ‘Little Lanterns’- columbine, red flowers in spring, sun to part shade, zone 3,
  • h 8-10″
  • Aruncus aethusifolius – white flowers and finely cut foliage, can produce up to 100 flower stalks on a mature plant, h-1’, sun to part shade. zone 3, only a few are available 
  • Aruncus “Chantilly Lace” white flowers June-July h-32″, part shade to shade, z-3
  • Aristolochia durior- Dutchman’s pipe -Aristolochia grows best in average to moist well-drained soil, in full sun to partial shade. Prune after flowering to maintain the desired size. Dislikes winter wet but usually adapts well to most conditions. Strong support necessary h-20′, sun to light shade
  • Asarum-wild ginger-brown h-3″, part shade-shade, native
  • Asclepias Cinderella- three months of vanilla-scented, rose-pink flowers in large, compact clusters from midsummer to early fall. Deadheading the flowers will stimulate another bloom cycle about a month after the first one. The flowers, which are heavily laden with nectar and pollen, are particularly attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects. h-3′-5′, zone 3
  • Asclepias Tuberosa-Butterfly weed- orange, h-3′, sun, native, DT,  
  • Aster cordifolius-Blue wood aster, sun to part shade, minimum 3h of sun, h 2-3′, zone 3
  • Aster dumosus ‘Wood’s Light Blue’ – 12-18”, sun part shade, z-4
  • Aster Grape Crush-Very rich, dark purple flowers are produced above dark green foliage in early fall to midfall, h-26-30″, sun, zone 3
  • Aster laevis ‘blue Autumn’ blue flowers August to October, Sun to part sun, h-2′, zone 4
  • Aster oblongifolium October Skies” aromatic aster, is a Missouri native plant that typically occurs on limestone glades, slopes, prairies, and dry open ground. A bushy, stiff, compact, low-growing plant with hairy stems and blue flowers 08-10. h-18″, zone 3, check for availability 
  • Astilbe arendsii Astilbe ‘Look at Me’ pink flowers, red stems, 16-18″ early, zone 3, beautiful
  • Astilbe arendsii” Happy Spirit” white in 06-07, part shade to full shade,  zone 4
  • Astilbe arendsii “Sister Theresa” pink, cotton candy-colored flowers, this variety produces particularly lavish blooms h- 20”-24” , limited
  • Astilbe “Hot pearls” rosy red flower, h-18″, zone 4
  • Astilbe chinensis “Dark Side of the Moon” h 20-22″near black foliage. Dark stems hold raspberry buds that burst with rosy purple flowers. This performs best both for growing and flowering in full sun in the north with adequate moisture but also grows in shade.
  • Astilbe chinensis ‘Mighty Chocolate Cherry’ velvety, red flower spikes over boldly divided dark green and chocolate brown to reddish foliage, blooms mid-season, h- 45″, part shade, deer and rabbit resistant, zone 3  
  • Astilbe chinensis ‘Mighty Red Quin’  red, h- 40″, part shade to full shade, zone 3  N/A
  • Astilbe chinensis “Pumila” Part shade-shade h-12” lavender-purple, ground cover 
  • Astilbe chinensis ”Visions in Red” deep red-purple flowers 08-09, h-18” z-3. PP 11860   
  • Astilbe “Delft Lace”h23-26”, pink in mid-summer,  beautiful, few available 
  • Astilbe “Go Go Red”  A profuse bloomer, large fluffy ruby red plumes first in late spring and early summer. But that’s not all! This gem surprises us with more blossoms from fall until a hard frost. h 23-27
  • Astilbe “Heavy Metal “, late, cherry red flower, h 24-28”, zone 3, part shade 
  • Astilbe “Short & Sweet Sugarberry”-soft pink fragrant flowers, zone 3 
  • Astilbe “Younique carmine” blooms Jun-July, h-16″, z-4
  • Astilbes are Deer and Rabbit-resistant
  • Astrantia major “Star of fire” red, h-2”, part shade DT, burgundy red with a white center, dark purple steam, zone 4 few available 
  • Athyrium filix-femina (Lady) check Ferns 
  • Baptisia Australis-False Indigo- navy blue, h-3′, sun
  • Baptisia “American Gold Finch” yellow, h 3-5′, zone 4, only a few available
  • Baptisia Cherries Jubilee, Deep maroon buds open to bicolor maroon and yellow flowers held on strong scapes above the blue-green foliage in late spring to early summer. Secondary branching on the flower stems makes this variety especially floriferous. As the flowers age, they turn to gold, h – 3′, sun to part shade, zone 4. 
  • Baptisia “Dark Chocolate”  nearly black, charcoal purple flowers, very long lower spikes, h 3-5″, zone 4
  • Baptisia “Ivory Towers”- ivory white flowers from dusky purple buds on purple-black stems in mid to late spring followed by ornamental black seed pods. h-3′, zone 4
  • Baptisia Lemon Meringue, charcoal stems with lemon yellow flowers in late spring to early summer, h-3′, zone 4, sun to part shade. 
  • Baptisia ” Vanilla Cream”, pastel yellow buds open to creamy vanilla, zone 4, h- 3′. 
  • Baptisia “Honey Roasted” Long 10″ spikes of dark mahogany flowers have bright yellow keels, producing a wonderful bicolor effect. Jam-packed with flowers early in the growing season. Flowers lighten to yellow as the flowers mature. h 3-3,5′. zone 4
  • Babatsias are slow growers but very long-lived perennials
  • Bergenia spp- pink, h-20″, – part shade
  • Brunnera M Sterling Silver, heart-shaped leaves with stunning silver color.  Zone 3
  • Cactus- scroll down the page to Winter hardy cactus
  • Caltha palustris-Yellow Marsh Marigold, sun to light shade, zone 3, h- 18″
  • Campanula carpatica ” Pearl White” is a low, cushion-shaped mound of small green leaves, with loads of up-facing, open bells appearing in early summer. white, sun, DT  N/A
  • Campanula persicifolia var planiflora, dwarf form of Peach Leaved Bell Flower, dense flowering spikes, dense leathery rosettes,         h-15”, sun, zone 3
  • Campanula Sarastro, compact habit and long blooming season, h-28″, sun, purple 06-08, zone 4
  • Carex flaccosperma-Blue Wood Sedge-greenish blue leaves. A small clump that will spread slowly via short rhizomes to form a sturdy, evergreen ground cover. It thrives in shade to part shade and mixes easily with ferns, hostas, and other shade perennials. It can take partial sun if it has consistent moisture.h 6-12″, zone 5
  • Carex pedunculata, small, tidy evergreen rosette-forming sedge, leaves dark green with reddish bases. It will colonize slowly by seed, evergreen, pt sun-sh, h 10, z-4, native
  • Chelone obliqua – Pink Turtlehead, pink, sun to part shade. Height 25-35″, zone 3
  • Chelone glabra ‘Black Ace’ white turtlehead. h 4-5′, part shade, zone 5
  • Chelone lyonii ” Tiny Tortuga” deep pink flowers from late summer to fall, h 12-16″, zone 3
  • Clematis Henryi, big white flowers. h 9-15′, zone 4
  • Clematis Jackmanii, medium flower blue-purple, up to 10′, sun to light shade, zone 4
  • Clematis “Nelly Moser” pale pink with carmine mid stripe, early summer,h-10′, flowers 6-8″, zone 4
  • Clematis Piilu (“little duckling), 4-6′ Blooms May through July and again in September. Single and double flowers, pale purplish-pink margins, and deep pink central bars. Flowers are 3-4″ wide.  Sun, zone 4  
  • Clematis “Sapphire Indigo”  masses of sapphire blue flowers over a long season, h-4′, can be used as ground cover, sun-part shade, zone 4
  • Clematis”The President” big purple/blue flowers, sun, h 8-10′  Tolerate: Deer, Black Walnut  
  • Clematis “Tie Dye” large-flowered clematis with amazing purple flowers feathered and striped with pale lavender or white. Every petal is different, h-10′, zone 4,  will bloom twice a season.
  • Clematis “Rain dance “The clump is covered with a profusion of small 2½-3″, indigo blue flowers with darker midribs and lighter margins. Although this is a non-vining Clematis, the plant will benefit from support,  staking, or neighboring plants. If allowed to ramble without staking, it will spread to 38-40″ wide. h-26”, zone 3, sun to part shade N/A in 2025
  • Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ h-1,5′, yellow, sun, zone 3, discontinued 
  • Crocosmia “Lucifer”  brilliant flame-red flowers, mulch heavily for winter. h-12-23′, sun, zone 5 and up 
  • Darmera Peltata-white with pink flowers, ornamental foliage, h-4-5′, sun, regular to moist soil 
  • Dicentra cucullaria- Dutchman’s Breeches- Dense, 10 in. high masses of deeply cut, fern-like leaves subtend a naked flower stalk bearing a row of nodding, white flowers. This woodland perennial can spread to cover considerable areas. The plant goes dormant in early summer.
  • Dicentra spectabilis, green foliage, pink flowers, h-2-3′, part shade, zone 3
  • Delphinium ‘Pink Punch pink, h 3-5′, sun to light shade, deer and rabbit resistant, zone 3
  • Delphinium ‘NM Purple Passion’, rich, purple, single flowers with white centers, height 4-6′, zone 3, sun to part sun
  • Dendranthema Weyrichii-white/pink flower in 09! mat-forming, h-10″, sun z-4  DT    available in July
  • Dianthus deltoides ‘Arctic Fire’ white flowers with red eye in spring and early summer, ground cover, DT, toxic to dogs, cats, and horses
  • Dianthus deltoides, Maiden Pink, h 8” sun, DT  
  • Dictamnus Albus-Gas plant-pink.h-3′, sun-p.s.
  • Dodecatheon meadia, commonly known as Shooting Star, shades of purple to white, blooms in the spring. Sun to shade, zone 4
  • Echinacea attracts pollinators, butterflies and feeds birds in winter. It needs well-drained soil and full sun. 
  • Echinacea Artisan Red Ombre,  single flowers feature rich red petals surrounding a golden-brown center, h-28′, Sun, z-4, nativar
  • Echinacea Artisan Yellow Ombre, single flowers feature rich yellow petals surrounding a golden-brown center, h-20′, Sun, z-4, nativar
  • Echinacea Carrot Cake-double flowers in various orange shades with a big orange cone and dark orange center, sun, zone 4, h 12-15”, nativar
  • Echinacea ‘Cheyenne Spirit’ mixed color strain of Echinaceas, height 2-3′, sun, nativar
  • Echinacea Dbl Dipped Rainbow Sherbet has large, fully double 4½” flowers with wide, overlapping ray petals. h- 2-2½’ tall, perfect for the middle of the border.  Flowers open orange before transitioning to a coral pink with matching ray petals. sun!! nativar
  • Echinacea ‘Green Twister’ green flowers with a touch of purple at the base of the petals, h 24-36″, sun, zone 4, nativar
  • Echinacea ‘Kismet Red’, large red flowers, h 16-24″, zone 4, sun, nativar
  • Echinacea ‘Lemon Drop’ bright yellow double cones with reflexed yellow ray florets, h-24″, sun, zone 4, nativar
  • Echinacea ‘Orange Fascinator’, bright orange double cones with reflexed, yellow ray florets. h-2-4′, sun, zone 4, nativar
  • Echinacea Purpurea  z-4,  native 
  • Echinacea pallida, Pale Purple Coneflower  is Ontario’s truly native coneflower, h  2-3′, sun!!, zone 3
  • Echinacea  Panama Red, red, h 12-14″, zone 4, sun, nativar
  • Echinacea ‘Prima Saffron’,  bright saffron-colored blooms, h 12-20″, sun, zone 4, nativar
  • Echinacea ‘Rainbow Marcella’ Raspberry pink surrounds pronounced cones with petal tips in muted orange to golden yellow. Each bloom slowly ages to a soft pink. h-18″, sun, zone 4. My favorite nativar
  • Echinacea ‘Ruby Star’ purple rays and bronze-brown cone, h-2-3′, sun, z-3, darker, natural selection of Echinacea purpurea
  • Echinacea Sombrero ‘Fiesta Orange’ Glowing, orange flowers with copper cones, h-18″, sun, zone 4, nativar
  • Echinacea Sombrero ‘Lemon Yellow’ Fragrant, rich yellow flowers, h-22″, sun, Zone 4, nativar
  • Echinacea Sunseeker ‘Mineola’, orange double flowers, and big, bold fragrant brown cones. sun, h- 2-24″, zone 4, nativar
  • Echinacea Sunseeker ‘Rainbow’ double blooms first opening light yellow, quickly transforming to blush, coral, lavender, and then salmon around a dark, fragrant cone.  12-24″, Sun, zone 4, nativar
  • Echinacea Sunseeker ‘Sweet Fuchsia’ double, fuchsia-pink petals with dark brown fragrant cones’ h-12-24″, zone 4, nativar
  • Echinacea Sunseeker ‘Tequila Sun’ golden yellow flowers with a flush of orange/red around raised cones, h-24″, zone 4, sun, nativar
  • Epimedium grandiflorum’Lilac fairy’ amethyst purple flower in May, part sun to shade, h-0,5-1′, zone 4
  • Epimedium youngianum Roseum- shade-part shade DT  
  • Eryngium planum “Blue Glitter”- See Holly, h 30-40″ in flower, zone 4
  • Eutrochium purpureum” Joe Pye weed” pink flowers,  h 5-6′, sun, zone 3, a must in the butterfly garden.
  • Eupatorium dubium ” Baby Joe”, magenta-pink flowers in late summer, h3-4′, full sun to part shade, few avalable
  • Eupatorium rugosum “Chocolate” has dark bronzy-brown leaves in spring and summer, gradually turning green when the autumn display of fuzzy white flower clusters begins. Useful in shady situations and will even tolerate dry shade under deciduous trees once plants are established. Sun to shade, zone 5
  • Euphorbia polychroma-yellow, h-18″, sun DT
  • Ferns
  • Adiantum pedatum-the northern maidenhair fern 
  • Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern, part sun to shade, h 1-3″, zone 4
  • Athyrium niponicum pictum ‘Godzilla’ arching clump of silvery fronds with green highlights on dark purple stems. Part to full shade.
  • Athyrium niponicum  “Ghost”
  • Matteuccia struthiopteri-Ostrich fern
  • Onoclea sensibilis, sensitive fern, also known as the bead fern
  • Osmunda cinnamomea, cinnamon fern
  • Filipendula Variegata-Meadowsweet-white, h-4′, sun- – part shade, discontinued 
  • Gaillardia ‘Arizona Sun’  crimson red with yellow edge blossoms. h 12″-15″, zone 4, deer resistant, sun !!
  • Gaultheria procumbens,  wintergreen. Broadleaf evergreen, ground cover, part shade to shade, zone3  Edible
  • Gaura lindheimeri ‘Siskiyou Pink’ h-2-3′, zone 5, pink flower, DT
  • Gentiana septemfida var lagodechiana- Summer Gentian, h-8″, blue 07-08, zone 4a. This great gentian from high elevations in the Caucasus Mountains is one of the few gentians to thrive in our hot, humid summers.
  • Gentiana True Blue- large 2″, tubular, true blue flowers that open at the nodes all up and down the stems from midsummer into early fall.  Full sun to part shade, h 24-30″, zone 4, deer resistant
  • Geranium “Boom Chocolatta”  rich, dark bronze leaves and an upright habit, with blue-purple flowers. h-24″, sun to part shade, zone 4
  • Geranium maculatum – Wild Geranium-native to deciduous woodlands, part shade, zone 3 DT
  • Geranium’ Azure Rush’-A compact sport of G. Rozanne, the light lavender-blue 2 ½” flowers feature the same vigorous, long-blooming, heat-tolerant qualities on a more compact, rounded shape. h-18″, zone 5, sun to part shade
  • Geranium Rozanne – bright violet-purple cup-shaped flowers starting in early summer. Flowers all summer until heavy frost.  Zone 4  
  • Geranium sanguineum-Cranesbill geranium-reddish purple, h – 12″-18”, sun- – part shade 
  • Geranium sanguineum Max Frei, deep magenta flowers all summer,h -8″, sun to part shade, zone 3
  • Geum triflorum, prairie smoke, prairie plant. H 6″-1′, full sun, zone 3, DT

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Grasses, Helleborus-Heuchera

  • Achnatherum(calamagrostis)brachytricha-Diamond grass ,h-3′, z-4 
  • Andropogon gerardii “Blackhawks” Big Bluestem, is one of the best.  The foliage of ‘Blackhawks’ emerges from deep green to dark purple in spring and deepens to near black by fall. Full sun, h-5′, zone 3
  • Calamagrostis Acutiflora “Avalanche’ Variegated Reed Grass sun h-5′ 07-08 
  • Calamagrostis Acutiflora “Karl Foerster”-Reed Grass, h-6′, sun
  • Carex flaccosperma-Blue Wood Sedge-greenish blue leaves. A small clump that will spread slowly via short rhizomes to form a sturdy, evergreen ground cover. It thrives in shade to part shade and mixes easily with ferns, hostas, and other shade perennials. It can take partial sun if it has consistent moisture.h 6-12″, zone 5
  • Carex pedunculata, small, tidy evergreen rosette-forming sedge, leaves dark green with reddish bases. It will colonize slowly by seed, evergreen, pt sun-sh, h 10, z-4, native
  • Chasmanthium latifolium ‘Wild Oats’ sun-part shade, h- 3′ good for drying  
  • Eragrostis Trichodes-Sand Love grass-h-18″, sun, poor soil, my favorite, DT  not available in 2025 
  • Festuca glauca ” Blue Select”, the compact, evergreen grass admired for its vivid blue-green foliage that forms tidy clumps. h-8-15″, full sun, zone 4
  • Helictotrichon Sempervirens”Blue Oat Grass”-steel blue, h-3′, sun, DT z-4
  • Miscanthus Sinensis “Adiago” narrow foliage, pink to white plums, h 3-4′. Sun to part shade
  • Miscanthus Floridulus-Giant Miscanthus -8-10′, sun, stands up in winter
  • Miscanthus Sinensis “Graziella” z-5
  • Miscanthus Sinensis” Huron Sunrise” This outstanding selection was developed in Ontario, Canada by Martin Quinn.  h 5-6′, full sun, zone 4
  • Miscanthus sinensis ‘Huron Star’ flowers earlier than others, green blade with narrow white midrib. Sun, h 6-7′
  • Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Little Zebra’ PP#13008 (Dwarf Zebra Grass) z-5
  • Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Malepartus h 5′-7′ sun to part shade z-5.  Spectacular  
  • Miscanthus Sinensis’ Porcupine ‘, h-6-8’, sun z-4
  • Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Variegatus’- a graceful, upright mound of leaves boldly striped lengthwise with green and creamy white. h 5-6″, sun to light shade
  • Panicum virgatum’Blood Brothers’ – A Canadian introduction, an upright, slightly vase-shaped mound of green-blue leaves, the tips developing blood-red tones by midsummer that get better through the autumn. h-60″, sun to part shade, zone 5-  few available 
  • Panicum virgatum ‘Ruby Ribbons’ wine red tips, h-48″, zone 4, a great addition to smaller gardens, great color – few available
  • Panicum virgatum ‘Totem Pole’ Grey-green leaves form a strictly upright column of steel blue foliage. Golden seed heads in fall. h-72″, sun, zone 4a
  • Schizachyrium Scoparium-Little Bluestem-, h-3′, sun, gorges medium size grass, z-3
  • Sesleria heufleriana-green moor grass, h-16″, black flowers 4-5, z-4
  • Spodiopogon Sibiricus-Graybeard Grass or Frost Grass, h-5-6 ft., flowers-08, z-4 sun-part shade. It takes very well-dappled shade. I highly recommend it as a vertical accent or substitution for bamboo for a part shade garden.
  • Sporobolus heterolepis, commonly known as prairie dropseed, sun to part shade, h 23″-36″, zone 3, fabulous grass- few available
  • Stipa capillata -Feather grass-green, pale yellow seeds head, h-2-4′, sun, gorgeous z-5, self-seeder 
  • Helleborus
  • Helleborus foetidus – part shade, z-5 possible 4, self-seeds, will grow in drier conditions, ornamental foliage 
  • Helleborus x ballardiae ‘COSEH 710’ Burgundy buds open to pink and white bicolored flowers. Flowers on the burgundy stems darken with age
  • Helleborus ballardiae ‘Merlin’ pink buds open to pink flowers that age to an incredible raspberry purple.  The outward-facing flowers are held on dark reddish stems. h-12″, zone 4
  • Helleborus “Blushing Bridesmaid”, double, raspberry pink flower. H- 18-24″, part shade to shade, zone 4
  • Helleborus double Ellen Picotee, double creamy-white flowers with dark purple-pink margins, zone 4
  • Helleborus double Ellen Purle, double purpe flowers, zone 4
  • Helleborus double Ellen Red, double red, zone 4
  • Helleeborus ‘Eternal Spark’ short upright stems topped with long-lasting, cream flowers. Part sun to shade, h-16″, zone 4
  • Helleborus niger, Christmas rose, white flowers, h- 8″, zone 3
  • Helleborus ‘Shotgun Wedding’  3″, double white flowers with a very heavy concentration of burgundy spots. h-2′, zone 4
  • Helleborus ” Wedding bell” double white flower. H- 18-24″, part shade to shade, zone 4
  • The hellebore is a poisonous plant to livestock and other animals. 
  • Helenium Autumnale-Sneezeweed-red, rusty orange, yellow, h-5′, sun
  • Helenium autumnale Mariachi Fuego,  orange petals with a gold halo surrounding a brown cone. Strong stems, excellent mildew resistance, and terrific for cutting. h-20″, sun, zone 3
  • Helenium autumnale x Salsa, h-18″ red flowers, sun, deer resistant 
  • Helianthus salicifolius- willow leaves sunflower, h 5-8’, yellow 9-10, z-4. Plant stems can be cut back by 1/3 to 1/2 in late May to reduce overall plant height. sold out
  • Heliopsis helianthoides ‘Fire Twister’, Red-orange with dark brown center disks, h-2′-2,5′, sun or very light shade. z-3
  • Heliopsis helianthoides,  false sunflower, or perennial sunflower  h-3′, yellow flower in summer, self-seeder. Sun 
  • Heliopsis helianthoides”Luna Roja” h-18″. bright yellow-orange to fire-engine red, daisy-like blooms that contrast well against its dark green and burgundy flushed foliage. Non-stop flowering will keep the bees and butterflies busy all summer long. Grows 18 inches high and wide. Happy in well-drained, average soil. Use in front of the sunny border, in the pollinator garden, and as cut flowers.
  • Heliopsis helianthoides” Red Shades” orange and red-colored flowers on black stems, dark chocolate colored foliage, h- 24- 26″, sun, zone 4   
  • Heliopsis helianthoides” Bleeding Hearts”  The new flowers emerge intense orange-red and mature to golden orange with red centers. h-36-40″, sun to part shade, zone 3
  • Hemerocallis ‘Mauna Loa’ 5″ diameter, amber gold blend flowers with deep red wire edges and light green throats. Early to mid-season, h-1′-2′, zone 3
  • Hemerocallis Mary’s Gold-6.5″ bloom, brilliant golden orange with a green throat. zone 3
  • Hemerocallis ‘ Neon Flamingo’ 8 1/2″ blooms in a screaming neon pink with a light pink watermark. Fragrant, a mid-season bloomer, h-35”.
  • Hemerocallis ‘Pardon Me’ miniature daylily,2¾”, fragrant, cranberry red tepals with bright green throat. Blooms in July, h-18″, zone 3
  • Hemerocallis Primal Scream-7½-8½”, glimmering tangerine orange, gold-dusted blossoms, and green throat of this selection. zone 3
  • Hemerocallis’ Stella de Oro’ yellow flowers with extended bloom–flowers last at least 16 hrs. each. Reblooms, h-15″, zone 3
  • Heuchera  Amethyst Mist, the fog of silver settles over the stunning amethyst foliage. This glossy-leafed, heat and humidity-tolerant, vigorous clump can achieve an impressive 24″ across.h -10″, zone 4
  • Heuchera  ‘Caramel’ apricot to amber depending on light levels and temperature. Purple-red undersides. Cream flowers, h-12″, zone 4
  • Heuchera’Carnival Cinamon Stick’ Leaves have distinct veining and are a soft copper color that deepens as the season progresses; white flowers.h-15″, zone 4
  • Heuchera “Forever Red” ultra-purple glossy leaves with fluted edges and great vigor, h-12″, z-4
  • Heuchera ‘ Indian summer silverberry’ Compact mounds of shiny silver-gray foliage with burgundy undersides, and pink flowers in summer.h-16″, zone 4
  • Heuchera ‘Lime Rickey‘, Citrus-yellow foliage turns lime-green in the summer · Leaves are slightly lobed and have heavily ruffled edges, h-10″, zone 4, part shade to shade
  • Heuchera ‘Lime Marmalade’ ruffled lime-colored leaves and a large mounding habit, part shade to full shade. H- 10″, zone 4
  • Heuchera ‘ Marmalade’ shiny, undulating foliage ranging in color from umber to deep sienna, hot pink undersides, h-10″, z-4
  • Heucherella ‘ Catching Fire’  Vibrant lime green leaves with flame-shaped markings in the center, h -10″, zone 4, part to full shade
  •  Heucherella ” Copper King”, New leaves are bright orange with copper red centers and yellow edging. Individual leaves are large at 5″ across with deep dissection for a maple-like appearance. Red stems hold proportionate scapes of white flowers h 18-24″, part shade to full shade. I love this one.
  • Heucherella ‘Gold Zebra’ Bright yellow, feathery leaves are boldly marked with dark red, nice bronzing with frost. H-8″, zone 4
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  • Hosta ‘ American Halo’  thick rounded blue-green leaves with streaky cream-white margins. White flowers, h 20-21′
  • Hosta ‘Ann Kulpa’ beautiful heart-shaped green leaves with a center that emerges cream and turns white. h 18-10″, zone 3, part shade to shade
  • Hosta ‘Ben Vernooy’, thick blue leaves with white edges, h 16-28″, z-3  N/A
  • Hosta ”Blue Ivory” blue leaves with wide creamy/white margins. Lavender flowers 06-07.PP 19623
  • Hosta ‘ Brother Stefan’, bright golden-yellow leaves that are deeply corrugated, with contrasting edges of streaky dark green. h18-21′, flower almost white, part shade 
  • Hosta ‘Catherine’ heart-shaped, yellow leaves with wide blue margins. h-14-16″
  • Hosta ‘Cathedral widows’ bright gold leaves with very wide, dark green margins. The leaves become dome-shaped as they mature. Large, fragrant near-white flowers in late summer. h 18-20″
  • Hosta ”Diamond Tiara” medium-sized variety, dark green foliage with white margins. Purple flowers. h-16″part shade/shade
  • Hosta “Dream Queen” h 16-18”, rounded blue-green leaves with a streaky ivory-white center. White flowers appear in July.
  • Hosta ”Dream Weaver” blue-green with creamy yellow center, white flowers 06-07, h-16”, z-3  
  • Hosta ” Drinking Gourd” heavily corrugated, deeply cupped, blue foliage.  Slow to reach its mature size but is worth the wait. White flower, h-24″, zone 3
  • Hosta “Drop dead gorgeous”,  a huge clump-forming perennial forming an attractive mound of large, ovate, green leaves with brightly contrasting yellow margins. The margins are heavily rippled and give the leaves a lightly wavy effect.h-30″, parts to full shade, zone 3
  • Hosta “El Nino” Intense blue leaves with a bright white edge, lilac flowers 06-07, h-14”, z-3, PP 14632 ‘
  • Hosta “Empress Wu” Huge dark green, deeply veined leaves of good substance, h 3-4 feet. 
  • Hosta ‘Fan dance h-18″, part shade, zone 3
  • Hosta ‘Fire Island’ – leaves emerge brilliant yellow on red petioles. Red coloring extends from the base of the petiole up into the leaves. As the season progresses, the foliage darkens to chartreuse, but the red petioles remain all season long. Part shade to shade, h-10-14″, zone 3
  • Hosta “Firm Line” heart-shaped blue leaves with a wide white margin. h-16″. Lavender flowers. z-3  
  • Hosta “Frances Williams”The large leaves are blue-green with a golden yellow border and stand out in the shade garden. h-26”
  • Hosta ‘Guardian Angel’ heart-shaped blue-grey leaves streaked with creamy-white in the center in spring, turning solid blue-green by summer. Near-white flowers,  h-29-31 ”  zone 3
  • Hosta “Glad rags” h-16″ deep green center, broad edges that emerge chartreuse then turn to bright yellow, and age to creamy yellow in late summer.  Part shade to shade, very nice, limited
  • Hosta “Golden Tiara”-purple, h-12-14″, part shade-shade
  • Hosta “Guacamole” h- 12’-24”, chartreuse leaves
  • Hosta ‘Heat Wave’ puckered, thick, chartreuse to gold leaves with blue-green margins, and near white flowers. h10-12′ 
  • Hosta ‘High Society’ thick powder-blue leaves with a yellow center that later fades to creamy white. h8-10″
  • Hosta ‘June’  bright yellow leaves with a streaky blue-green margin, h 12-16″
  • Hosta ‘June Fever’ Bright yellow leaves with a narrow blue-green margin that streaks inward. Centres change to chartreuse by midsummer. h 14-18″, zone 3
  • Hosta ‘Kiwi full monty’ chartreuse to ivory centers with rich blue-green margins. h 18″-21″
  • Hosta “Lakeside cupcake”- white, blue-green edge. Lilac flowers. h-1’
  • Hosta’ Lakeside Paisley Print’ thick, heart-shaped leaves with wide, dark green margins and narrow, creamy-white markings feathering out from the center. h 8-10″, choice, limited. 
  • Hosta ‘Lemon Snap’ yellow leaves on bright red petioles. The red color goes into the center vein on most leaves. h-10″, zone 3
  • Hosta “Liberty”. Thick, large leaves with a green center and margins beginning as a golden yellow and fading to cream. PP#12531
  • Hosta ‘Lipstick Blonde’ lance-shaped, vibrant yellow foliage with a cloudy finish on contrasting red stems. Lavender bell-shaped flowers on arching stems appear midsummer. This cultivar requires six hours of sun each day to keep the vivid yellow coloration. Morning sun, afternoon shade. H-12-14″, zone 3
  • Hosta Majesty- Leaves are a beautiful shade of dark green with large creamy-white margins. H-14”, white flowers, only a few available 
  • Hosta ” Mini Skirt” This petite and flirty hosta forms a miniature mound of very wavy, thick, blue-green leaves with creamy yellow margins in spring. In summer, the center turns greener and the edge lightens to creamy white. h-5″
  • Hosta Montana ‘Aureomarginiata’  glossy, bright-green leaves with a streaky golden-yellow edge. h 23-27′
  • Hosta ‘Northern Exposure’ This large specimen selection has big, rounded blue-green leaves with a wide white margin. Near-white flowers appear in June. h 23-27″
  • Hosta ‘Night before Christmas’ has huge, dark green leaves with creamy-white centers that change to pure white by summer. h 16-18″
  • Hosta “Old Glory”Heart-shaped leaves have golden yellow centers and irregular, 1″ wide, dark green margins,h-14″ part to full shade, zone 3
  • Hosta Olive Bailey Langdon, Large corrugated round leaves are blue-green with a wide gold margin, h-30″ w-60″ part shade to shade, zone 3
  • Hosta ‘Pineapple Upsidedown Cake’ golden foliage with rippled dark green margins. Leaves emerge in spring all green but the gold center quickly develops and brightens as the season progresses. h 18-29″, zon3, sun in the mornning for the best color
  • Hosta ” Paisley Border” h 16″ Paisley Border’ has wide, creamy-white leaf margins that become wavy and quite streaky with age. Leaf substance is good and the growth rate is faster than its parent
  • Hosta ‘Paradigm’ has bright golden-yellow leaves with a bold blue-green margin in longer sun exposure. Great color in the full shade, better than in part sun, in my opinion. h 20-21″
  • Hosta “Patriot”- lilac, bold white margins, h-21-23″, part shade-shade 
  • Hosta ‘Paul’s Glory’ In the spring, leaves have blue-green margins and chartreuse centers. By summer, the margins turn dark green and the centers become bright gold. h-25″, part shade-shade, zone 3
  • Hosta ‘Popcorn’ – thick round heavily corrugated leaves yellow with irregular blue margins. Mature to white with green margins. h-12″, zone 3, part shade, slow grower.
  • Hosta” Praying Hands” Upright, narrow, tightly folded leaves, h-18″, part shade to shade, zone 3
  • Hosta ‘Regal Splendor’ powdery grey-blue leaves, edged in creamy white, h 29′-31′
  • Hosta ‘Sagae’ powdery grey-green leaves edged with white to cream streaks. h 29-31″, my favorite. 
  • Hosta “Satisfaction” pointy dark-green leaves with a wide golden-yellow streaky margin slightly rippled in texture. Tall stems of pale lavender flowers appear in summer. H 16”-21”, zone 3
  • Hosta “Silly String”  narrow blue leaves with intensely wavy margins. h-14″ part shade to shade, zone 3 N/A
  • Hosta’ Siberian Tiger’ emerges with striking yellow-white veins, yellow stripes gradually fading without completely disappearing. H-10-12″ part shade
  • Hosta “Stiletto” H-8” miniature selection has narrow dark-green wavy leaves with a white margin. Purple-striped lavender flowers appear in August. Zone 3
  • Hosta ‘ Stained Glass ‘ bright golden-yellow leaves with a wide, streaky green margin. h 16″-20″
  • Hosta “Snow Cap- 18-20” large grey-green leaves with a streaky white to the cream margin. Near-white flowers appear in June
  • Hosta “Sum & Substance”-Lavender, chartreuse foliage, h-30″-36″, part-full shade, huge and gorgeous
  • Hosta”Thunderbolt”  big, heart-shaped blue-green leaves with a dramatic creamy-yellow center, and stems of white flowers in midsummer.h-29″-35″
  • Hosta “Titanic “This giant hosta has huge rounded, thick, and puckered, glossy dark green leaves with wide chartreuse to the yellow margin that slowly develops as the season progresses. Size 60″ x 32″   
  • Hosta ‘Touch of class’ thick, pointy blue-green leaves with a central streak of pale yellow, h 12″-16″
  • Hosta “Tokudama flavocircinalis”-bluish-green leaves with yellow margins, leaves are cupped. Pale lavender flowers. H-50” zone 3
  • Hosta ‘Victory’ shiny green leaves of good substance display yellow margins which lighten to pale yellow. Lavender flowers on very long scapes h 28-32″, part shade to shade, zone 3. 
  • Hosta “Warwick Comet” This midsized selection is slow-growing and features unique, corrugated leaves that emerge blue-green with a gold center. The leaves become dark green in summer and the center is white, with lighter green streaks where the margin and center,  overlap. Leaves are so heavily cupped they look like spoons waiting to collect rain. h 14-16″ N/A in 2025
  • Hosta “Whirlwind” twisted and folded leaves with a creamy yellow center and very dark green margins. h-10” zone 3
  • Hosta Wiggles and Squiggles- Bright yellow leaves are very long and thin and notable for their incredibly wavy margins. It forms a low, wide habit that highlights the “wiggly” edges. Leaves will be more chartreuse green in more shade: for the best yellow color, plant in a site with morning sun and afternoon shade. Lavender flowers. h-10′, zone 3
  • Hosta ‘Wu-La-La’ Blue-green leaves have striking apple-green margins. Give the plant about 5 years to reach full maturity. Violet flowers. H 38″-48″ part shade to shade, zone 3
  • Hosta”Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” Sport from ‘Striptease’ with bright yellow borders that eventually turn apple green. h-9″ w-17″. Lavender flowers. Part shade-shade      

White and yellow hosta can withstand more sun. Blue foliage keeps its color best in full shade.

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  • Iris sibirica Peacock butterfly “Painted Woman”  lightly fragrant flowers in elegant shades of pearl, red-violet, pink, dusky rose, and yellow, sun, zone 4
  • Iris pallida “Albovariegata” variegated foliage, purple flower, h-28″, sun to part shade, z-3  
  • Jovibarba- sempervivum like-green, green with red, h-1-2″, sun, DT


  • Lavender Munstead—English Lavender, h-2′. sun!, DT, zone 4. It is great for sunny, dry conditions,  insects love it.
  • Lavender Phenomenal, h-24-32″, sun, zone 4, DT,  my favorite 


  • Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Aglaia’, frilly double white flowers with yellow center. Showy in the garden and excellent for cutting. h 23-29”, zone 4
  • Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Becky’ white flowers, 3″ single, white blooms are produced atop strong stems which are ideal for cutting. Remove spent flower heads to promote additional bloom. h 3-4′, zone 4
  • Leucanthemum x superbum” double”( name unknown), white double-petalled flowers, h-24”, sun, great cut flower, zone 4, h 3′


  • Liatris spicata-Blazing Star-purple, h-3′, sun, DT, zone 3
  • Liatris ligulistylis, meadow blazingstar, is irresistible to Monarch Butterflies. They flock to the purple flower for fall’s magical monarch migration purple, h 2-3′  DT, zone 3


  • Ligularia dentata “Britt-Marie Crawford” dark purple foliage, yellow daisies in -7-08, h-16″ part shade, moist, zone 3 N/A 
  • Ligularia dentata”BBQ Banana” dark brown foliage, yellow daisies in mid/late summer. h-36″,   N/A
  • Ligularia “Desdemona”, h-30-36″, round foliage with purple undersides and steams, golden daisies, z-3, part shade 
  • Ligularia dentata seedlings -green and dark purple foliage, yellow flowers, h-35-47″, part shade, Love that plant 
  • Ligularia “Little Lantern” large, rounded dark-green leaves with conical heads of golden-yellow daisy flowers in mid to late summer, h-20-23″ w-23-29″ 
  • Ligularia “Little Rocket” part shade-sun h-48” yellow 05-07 
  • Ligularia stenocephala Przewalskii, h-4-6′, yellow spiky flowers in late summer
  • Ligularia stenocephala ‘The Rocket’ h- 48-60″, yellow spikes 07-08, part shade
  • Ligularia “Tractor seat” A very large Ligularia perfect for making a dramatic statement in the shade garden. Deep green leaves are massive reaching 16″ across at maturity. Yellow daisies, zone 4 N/A

All Ligularias love moisture and cool part shade but will grow in regular soil too. Deer tolerant


  • Lilium Apricot Fudge, Asiatic Lily, unusual flower shape, and warm peachy tones h 15-18″
  • Lilium ‘Claude Shride” martagon, dark red to mahogany blossoms, h 4-6’, zone 3, sun to part shade
  • Lilium O/T Hybrid ‘Purple Prince’ h 4-6′, zone 3, sun to part sun
  • Lilium trumpet “African Queen”
  • Lilium ‘Sunny Morning’ martagon Lilly, golden-orange blossoms delicately sprinkled with dark mahogany spots. h 2-3′, sun to part shade
  • Lilium Tiger Red- Its crimson petals are flecked with dark spots and bend backward as they open. Appearing in mid to late summer, the saturated red blooms are stunning in a vase. zone 3 h-40″


  • Limonium” Dazzle rocks” Sea Lavender, lavender flowers in late summer, sandy, well-drained soil. Sun!! , h-1-2″, zone 5 DT


  • Lobelia cardinalis, the cardinal flower, h 2-3′, zone 3. Perfect for boggy or wet gardens.
  • Lobelia “Queen Victoria” Cardinal flower, beet-red foliage, red flowers. A terrific plant for the boggy garden, adapting well to ‘wet feet’. Sun, h-35″, sun to part shade.  Attractive to both butterflies and hummingbirds.  Harmful if eaten.
  • Lobelia siphilitica.  The great blue lobelia, or blue cardinal flower. It is an herbaceous perennial native to eastern and central Canada and the United States. h 2-3′, zone 4, sun to part sun
  • Lonicera brownii ‘Dropmore Scarlet’ –  Prolifically flowering orange-red honeysuckle vine. h 8-12′, zone 4, sun to part shade


  • Lupinus ‘Gallery Blue’ h 18-23′, sun
  • Lupinus perennis- wild lupin, bluish-purple flowers in the spring and summer.  Prefers sandy, well-drained soil with low nutrient and moisture levels. This perennial legume is the single known food source for the caterpillars of the Karner Blue Butterfly. Increases soil fertility by fixing nitrogen. zone 3, sun


  • Monarda didyma “Grand Mum” h-18” Mauve pink flowers. Highly resistant to mildew, loads of large flowers.
  • Monarda “Grand Marshall” deep pink/ purple, h 18-20” sun, part shade blooms 07-08
  • Monarda didyma“Jacob Cline” deep red flowers, excellent mildew resistance, h- 36″-45″, sun, zone 3
  • Monarda didyma ” Sugar Buzz Blue Moon” Lavender blue flowers are held by attractive purple bracts. A breakthrough, shorter height for this color. h-20″, zone 4.
  • Monarda fistulosa -wild bergamot- clusters of lavender, pink or white flowers, looking like ragged pompoms, bloom atop 2-5 ft., open-branched stems. zone 3

Monardas are Deer and Rabbit resistant, they are loved by butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. 

  • Mukdenia Rossii-white, ornamental foliage, h-10″, sun- part shade, moist  N/A
  • Nepeta ‘Chartreuse on the loose’ bright chartreuse yellow leaves. Clusters of lavender blue flowers are produced just above the foliage and appear all summer long. Unlike most catmint, ‘Chartreuse on the Loose’ will continue to produce flowers without being cut back. h 8-10″, full sun, zone 3.
  • Nepeta faassenii ‘Kitten Around’, this plant forms a tight, round mound of aromatic foliage. Bright rosy purple calyxes hold periwinkle blue flowers. h-12-14″, sun, zone 3
  • Nepeta x faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’ dark lavender-blue flowers in late spring and aromatic gray-green foliage. Thrivs in harsh conditions, durable, rabbit and deer-resistant, drought-tolerant perennial plant.   h 18-24″, h 18-24″. Trim after flowering for a second bloom.
  • Orastachys under Sempervivum 


  • Peonia Coral Sunset- intense sunset coral, semi-double blossoms with rose overtones, and fluffy deep yellow stamens in the center. h-28″, zone 3, lightly fragrant
  • Paeonia “Dancing butterflies” This single Japanese-style selection features bright lipstick-pink petals surrounding a small yellow center. Midseason. Fragrant,  h 29-31”, sun, zone 2  
  • Paeonia “Celebrity” double selection produces large blooms with white centers and unique flower heads with layers of raspberry-pink and white petals. Midseason. h 33-37″, sun N/A
  • Paeonia ‘Do tell’ peony with Japanese/anemone form, soft shell pink  in late spring, h-36″, sun, zone 3
  • Paeonia’Joker’ Early Midseason double Pink. When it first opens, the petals are pink with darker pink edges that mature to white centers and a pink picotee on the tips. h 32″ N/A
  • Paeonia ‘ Karl Rosenfield’, One of the finest cherry red peonies on the market. Its stunning, sizable (16–18 cm) double blooms are bright crimson with a hint of blue and have notched petal tips. Its free-flowering nature, along with its tall, strong stems and good foliage. h  2-3″, zone 3
  • Paeonia’ Lovely Rose’  semi-double, creamy rose-pink flowers and large, upright petals, h 2-3′, zone 3
  • Paeonia ‘Moon River’ The lush, fully double blooms of deep cream are washed with a sweet, pink blush and grow to an impressive 8″ wide, h 28-35″, zone 3
  • Paeonia ‘Neon’  magenta pink with a central boss of deep pink and golden yellow staminodes, h 2-4′, sun, zone 3
  • Paeonia ‘Paula Fay’ Glowing hot pink, large, semi-double flowers. h-35″
  • Paeonia ‘ Peter Brand’very dark red flowers on strong stems, h 24-36″, zone 3a N/A
  • Paeonia ‘Primavera’ large, very fragrant bloom that has an outer ring of creamy white petals, and a soft butter yellow center. h 34-36″
  • Paeonia ‘Purple spider’, purple, fragrant,  double, h-36″, zone 3, beautiful 
  • Paeonia ‘Santa Fe’ lightly-scented semi-double deep pink blooms with full, white centers. Blooms late spring to early summer
  • Paeonia ‘Scarlett O’Hara’ fiery red single flower, h-36″, zone 3, mid to late season
  • Paeonia’Susie Q’  full double pink,  h-24″
  • Paeonia ‘Sword dance ‘ Japanese” type bloom, does not need support, my favorite, dark red in May to July, h-36″, z-2 N/A
  • Paeonia Itoh’Bartzella’, yellow May to July, h-48″, z-4
  • Paeonia Itoh ‘Garden Treasure’- Yellow petals with red highlights, 20-50 petals, fragrant, zone 4
  • Paeonia Itoh ‘Hillary’  semi-double to double, rosy-pink, and light apricot flowers with a maroon-red center. h2-4′, sun, zone 4
  • Paeonia  Itoh ‘Lemon Chiffon’  semi-double pale lemon flowers, fragrant, h 2-3′, zone 3 N/A
  • Paeonia Itoh’ Orange Victory’ – Large, double blossoms, orange petals with red flares and yellow centers. h 28″, sun to part sun, zone 4
  • Paeonia Itoh ‘Prairie Charm’ semi-double, light yellow with prominent red-purple flames, h 28-30′, sun to part sun, zone 4
  • Paeonia Suffruticosa, Japanese Tree Peony ” Kamada-Nishiki” soft lilac, h-72″, sun, zone 5 
  • Paeonia Suffruticosa, Japanese Tree Peony “Shimadaijin” Semi-double blossoms of glowing purple-red combination, May to June, h- 60″, sun, zone 5 
  • Paeonia Suffruticosa, Japanese Tree Peony” Shima-Nishiki
  • Paeonia tenuifolia Fern Leaf Peony,  red blooms May to Jun, h-24″, z-3 N/A
  • Paeonia’ The Fawn’ The soft pink double flowers are dusted with deeper pink speckles late spring to early summer, h-34″, sun
  • Paeonia, no name, white, full flower, fragrant

Peonies are deer and rabbit-resistant   Toxic to Dogs, Cats, and Horses


  • Penstemon Barbatus “Iron Maiden” rich pink, h-1′-3′, sun,  N/A
  • Penstemon Digitalis “Husker Red”-white, h-3′, sun-part shade, discontinued 
  • Penstemon Digitalis “Dark Towers”-dark foliage and masses of pink flowers, sun, h-3’
  • Penstemon  Digitalis ‘Goldfinger’  the new growth is golden to lime-green-edged dark red. Panicles of delicate pale lavender to white tubular flowers appear in early summer. h  3-5′, sun, zone 3
  • Perovskia atriplicifolia ‘Little Spire” Shorter and more compact, maintains nice form, lavender-blue flowers h-24″ June-August zone 4   
  • Persicaria amplexicaulis’Pink Elephant’ Mountain Fleeceflower is a total workhorse in the garden, providing showy spikes of flowers for weeks on end from midsummer onward. Deep pink, sun, h-20″-25″, zone 4
  • Persicaria polymorpha- giant fleece flower, pt-sh-sun 5-6′ white 06-08                                                                


  • Phlox paniculata “David” white, h- 3′, sun to part shade, zone 3
  • Phlox paniculata ‘Delilah’ PP! 7468 deep red/purple h-22” zone 3
  • Phlox paniculata’ Early Cercis’ deep pink, h12-18″, sun, zone 4
  • Phlox paniculata’ Early Magenta’ magenta, h12-16″, sun zone 4
  • Phlox paniculata’Coral flame’, coral red flower, mildew resistant, h-2′ sun to part shade, zone 3
  • Phlox paniculata’ Glamour Girl’ h-32″, large panicles of hot coral pink flowers held on dark purple stems. Sun to part shade, powdery mildew-resistant, zone 3
  • Phlox paniculata “Jeff’s Blue” purple buds open soft purple with dark eyes. Zone 3
  • Phlox paniculata “Little Boy” lilac-blue with a white eye, h 18”, zone 3
  • Phlox paniculata’Orange perfection’  salmon-orange, blooming for weeks from mid to end of summer. Mildu resistant, h 2-3′, sun, zone 3
  • Phox paniculata “Ultraviolet” large panicles of rich magenta violet flowers, h 3′, sun to part shade, zone 3, limited
  • Phlox Stolonifera -purple-blue-pink, h-10″, part to full shade
  • Phlox Subulata-Moss phlox-hot pink-h-6″, sun DT  We have a few different varieties during the season. Purple, blue, and shades of pink.


  • Physostegia Virginiana ‘Variegata’- pink, green, and creamy white foliage with a pink tint in 09, h-4-5′, sun-part shade N/A 
  • Podophyllum’Spotty dotty’ Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Prefers rich, moist, acidic, humusy soils. Beautiful red flowers in 05-06 and ornamental foliage. Part shade to full shade. Zone 6. I am growing it in zone 5 with winter protection, a thick pile of leaves.
  • Polemonium careuleum ‘Blue Pearl’, lush ferny foliage lovely sky-blue 1” blooms. Flower stems reach 2′. Sun to part shade, zone 3
  • Polemonium Rep. “Stairway to Heaven”- green foliage with white margins, h-1’ part shade
  • Polygonatum Canaliculatum- Great Solomon’s seal- white, h-4-5′, part shade z-4  
  • Polygonatum falcatum “Variegatum” –Solomon’s seal, white flowers, variegated foliage, h-20”, z-5


  • Primula denticulata, the drumstick primula. h-8″, sun to part shade, zone 3
  • Primula Japonica-Candelabra primrose-mix of colors, h-2′, sun to part shade, moist
  • Primula Oxlip-yellow, h-20″, part shade, moist
  • Primula Sieboldii- lavender, h-10″, part shade 
  • Primula, garden mix grown from seeds. 
  • Pulmonaria’Raspberry splash’-raspberry, ornamental foliage,h-12″, part shade to shade
  • Pulsatilla Vulgaris ” Pasque Flower”-Violet-blue, h-12″, sun-part shade
  • Pulsatilla vulgaris”Rubra”, -h-10″, red, zone 2
  • Rodgersia Aesculifolia-white flower, ornamental foliage,h-3-4′, part shade, moist  
  • Rodgersia x “Bronze peacock”! The darkest foliage of any Rodgersia. The leaves are thick and glossy. They make a great sculptural addition to your woodland garden. Pink flowers emerge in late spring above the mound. In spring, the huge bronze leaves emerge like a peacock’s tail. Part shade, h-22″, zone 5
  • Rhubarb “Canada red” zone 3 edible 
  • Rudbeckia hirta- Black-Eyed Susan, yellow, h-3′, sun –p sh, DT
  • Rudbeckia maxima – Giant Coneflower- clumps of silvery-blue foliage with very tall flower stalks. h 3′-7′, Sun, DT, deer tolerant, zone 4
  • Ruellia humilis-Wild petunia-purple, h-1′, sun-shade, DT 


  • Sanguisorba Canadensis, Canadian burnet, white flower in summer, sun or light shade, h-24”, flower height 5′, zone 4
  • Sanguisorba Officinalis ‘Little Angel’ red flower contrasts with white-edged foliage. h-14″, Sun.
  • Sanguisorba officinalis ‘ Pink Tana’– pink flowers 07-09, h -2’, sun  
  • Salvia x sylvestris “May Night”-  deep indigo violet-blue. Can be clipped back hard after blooming, to rejuvenate the foliage.  h-3′, sun,  zone 3 DT  discontinued 


  • Saxifraga Correvoniana-white, beautiful foliage, h-2-5″, sun -part shade. alpine
  • Saxifraga Canis-dalmatica – rosettes of narrow leathery leaves, heavily lime-encrusted, and long arching stem with many white flowers strongly marked with bright red spots. alpine
  • Saxifraga hostii rhaetica – Forms a mat of lime-encrusted rosettes of strap-shaped, slightly recurved, 3-8 cm long leaves with blunt toothing. white flowers in the spring, sun to light shade, alpine
  • Saxifraga macnabiana  2″ high rosettes, ideal for a rockery or the front of a dry border. The edges of the leaves are encrusted with tiny, stiff, silver hairs that make them feel hard to the touch. sun to light shade, alpine 
  • Saxifraga Paniculata-white, ornamental foliage, h-5″-30″, sun  alpine
  • Saxifraga Southside – wider leaves than other Saxifrages, beautiful 
  • Saxifraga Umbrosa ‘London Pride”-light pink, h-7-12″, part shade, alpine 

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  • Sedum “Autumn Joy”-pink, h-2-3′, sun, DT, z 3  
  • Sedum Cyaneum “Rose Carpet”-pink, h-12″, sun, DT
  • Sedum ‘Frosted Fire’is a variegated sport of ‘Autumn Fire. h 12″, sun, pink flower. zone 3
  • Sedum ” Hispanicum var Polyperalum “-ornamental foliage,h-2”, DT, z 5 available  in July
  • Sedum kamchaticum Variegatum- clusters of yellow, star-shaped flowers blooming above a mounding carpet of succulent, green, cream, and pink variegated foliage. Deer resistant. Ground cover, zone 3, sun!!
  • Sedum LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE- This groundcover sedum has dark green, glossy foliage, compact size, and yellow flowers. zone 3, h 6-8″, sun! N/A
  • Sedum Matrona is an old favorite of mine. Matrona is a gorgeous, pale pink flower with gray-green leaves and purple stems. Sun, zone 3, h-24″
  • Sedum” MJ Sapphire” compact, upright form with dusky purplish-blue leaves; clusters of small, rosy pink flowers in late summer, h 12-15″  
  • Sedum Mr Goodbud- tight foliage and strongly contrasting colors between its light buds and dark mauve flowers. h-15″, sun, zone 4
  • Sedum “Powderpuff” This stonecrop will produce a puffy dome of bright rosy pink flowers in late summer to early fall. When it is not in bloom, enjoy the impeccable habit of succulent blue-green foliage. Strong stems. Powderpuff is intermediate in height between groundcover Sedum and tall Sedums; a perfect height for the front of the border. h-10″, zone 3  N/A
  • Sedum Sartorianum-yellow, h-2-3″, sun
  • Sedum sieboldii – pink, blue foliage, h-6′, sun, DT  
  • Sedum spurium ‘What a doozie’ white and green variegated foliage, creamy pink flowers in fall. h 2-5″, sun, zone 4
  • Sedum Sunsparkler ‘Angelina’s Teacup’ tide mounding clump with the chartreuse needle-like foliage, no flowers, sun!! DT 
  • Sedum Sunsparkler ‘Cherry Tart’ h-6” cherry red foliage, pink flower, z-4  N/A
  • Sedum ‘Dazzling Dynamite’  variegated leaves in shades of glowing pink, orange, yellow, cream and purple. h 4-8″, sun, zone 4
  • Sedum Sunsparkler ‘Dazzleberry’ h-8” has huge 9″ flower heads held above disease-free dusky-blue foliage z-4 
  • Sedum Sunsparkler Dream Dazzler’ new growth emerges pink, white, and purple, maturing to dark purple with hot pink edges in the summer sun. Masses of magenta flowers. h-6″, zone 4, sun!! 
  • Sedum Sunsparkler ‘Firecracker’ -Pink flower clusters, blooms mid to late summer, cherry-red foliage, compact. h-6-8″ zone 4 
  • SEDUM ‘Sunsparkler’ Plum Dazzled”  dark purple foliage and large, cherry-colored flowers. h- 8”, sun to part shade   
  • SEDUM ‘Sunsparkler’ Wildfire’, red leaves are edged with pink, h-6″, DT  
  • Sedum takesimense Atlantis, cream variegated foliage, h 4-6″, yellow flower, sun, DT
  • All Sedums are drought tolerant and Rabbit resistant, some deer resistant

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During the season we have a lot of Sempervivum varieties on the table. Sometimes this number reaches up to 100 different varieties.

We also have Chick Charms from Chris Hansen’s collection.

Since we do not ship anymore we decided not to keep an updated list of Sempervivums on the plant list.

Orostachys- The fascinating genus consists of a few species found in Asia. The distribution area extends from Siberia via Mongolia and Manchuria to Japan (Hokkaido and Honshu). The best known are  Orostachys Spinosa and  O. malacophylla, both of which have proven to be very hardy. Good drainage is important. 

  • Orastachy Spininosa, medium size rosettes,$8 each   
  • Orastachys Spinosa “Sunshine”, very small rosettes, potted plants, cost $8 each, rare
  • Orostachys Spinosa “Strawberry Spring” potted plants, very small rosettes, $8 each, rare

All Sempervivums require well-drained soil and full sun

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  • Solidago “Little Lemon”  LITTLE LEMON is one of the most compact forms of goldenrod on the market today, typically growing to only 14” tall and 18” wide. Tiny light yellow flowers bloom in upright, dense, terminal inflorescences in mid to late summer on stems clad with lanceolate medium green leaves. Cut back flowers after the initial bloom to encourage a second fall bloom. zone 5
  • Spigelia marilandica-Indian pink, trumpet-shaped, red flowers (to 2″ long) atop stiff stems growing to 18″ tall. z-5, part shade. N/A
  • Spigelia marilandica ‘Ragin Cajun’ orange-red flowers. This perennial can be found growing in the wild in woodlands and along streambanks throughout the Eastern United States. h-20″, sun to part shade, zone 5B, Attracts Hummingbirds
  • Symphyotrichum novae-angliae formerly Aster novae-angliae, sun, h 25-59″, zone 3
  • Strawberry  Hecker, produces large red heart-shaped berries which are usually ready for picking from late spring to mid-fall. … The berries have a sweet taste and a firm texture. sun, zone 4 edible 
  • Thymus ’Doone Valley’, creeping thyme, pink, h 3-4″, fragrant, DT
  • Thymus’Elfin’-creeping miniature thyme, pink, mat-forming, sun, DT 
  • Thymus Pseudolanuginosus – Woolly Thyme, grey foliage, pink flower DT  
  • Tricyrtis formosana ‘Gilt Edge’ (Toad Lily) is a compact, shade-loving perennial with dark green leaves adorned with creamy-yellow edges. Purple flowers, zone 5
  • Trillium Grandiflorum-White Wake Robin-white, h-18″, part shade
  • Trollius New Moon- Globeflower.  Ball-shaped creamy yellow flowers. Shear plants back after blooming    h 18-23” z-3
  • Trollius Chinensis  -Globe flower-yellow, h-2′, moist
  • Uvularia Grandiflora-Big Merrybells-native, yellow, h-18-24″, part shade, native
  • Veronica Gentianoides-light blue, h-12″, sun N/A
  • Veronica incana-blue, grey foliage, h-12″, sun
  • Veronica prostrata “Blue mirror”h-4-5”, sun. Blue  N/A 
  • Veronica spicata” Royal Candles” violet-blue  flowers in June to August,h 12″, sun
  • Veronicastrum sibiricum, lavender flowers  July-September, h-5′, sun, all veronicastrum are pollinators magnet 
  • Veronicastrum Virginicum-Culver’s Root-white-pinkish, h-6′, sun
  • Veronicastrum Virginicum, Cupid”, lilac-blue candelabra-like flower spikes h 31″-35″, Sun, zone 3
  • Veronicastrum Virginicum “Fascination” purple flowers June-October, h-40″ sun-part shade, z-4  sold out
  • Veronicastrum Virginicum” Challenger” light pink, h 3-4”, sun
  • Yucca Filamentosa “Adam’s Needle”-white, h-4-6′, sun DT

DT-Drought tolerant

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Winter Hardy Cactus

  • Opuntia ‘Bernalillo’ short white spines h-4’’ zone 4 lemon 07
  • Opuntia cymochila x fragilis ‘Smithwick’   zone 3
  • Escobaria vivipara- pirple pincushion, ball cactus. native to Canada. zone 3, magenta 
  • Opuntia Fragilis-Little prickly pear-small sausage like pads, yellow, sun, v. well drain soil, DT z 3
  • Opuntia fragilis” Alberta Sunset” A Claude Barr introduction, small round pads with pink flower, zone 4
  • Opuntia fragilis ‘Bronze Beauty’ – zone 4 Sun yellow 06-07 z-3 ,N/A  in 2024
  • Opuntia fragilis “Pony”    limited zone 3?  
  • Opuntia fragilis hybrid” Red Gem” small, compact, magenta flowers. zone 4
  • Opuntia Humifusa -Prickly Pear- yellow, sun, very well-drained soil, DT, z-4
  • Opuntia phaceantha , yellow flowers, zone 5
  • Opuntia polyacantha ‘Crystal Tide ‘ cream age to pink zone 4, possible zone 3
  • Opuntia polyacantha ‘Lemon Sorbet’ lemon-lime flower, z-4
  • Opuntia polyacantha ‘Orangina’ lots of yellow flowers changing to orange with aging
  • Opuntia polyacantha “Peter Pan” small pads with many white spines  
  • Opuntia polyacantha ‘Raspberry pink’, N/A  in 2024
  • Opuntia polyacantha x fragilis ‘Claude Arno’ Compact & petite plant, low lying. Deep pink/magenta flowers. Z-4
  • Opuntia Rutila – yellow and pink
  • Opuntia spp ‘Saskatchewan ‘, small round pads, light yellow flowers, choice opuntia

To see pictures go to the Winter Cactus page

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Fruit Trees & Shrubs

Fruit trees and shrubs an be used as ornamental

  • Apple” Cortland” semi-dwarf, zone 4
  • Apple” Empire”, semi-dwarf, zone 4
  • Apple ” McIntosh” semi-dwarf, zone 4 
  • Apple “Honeycrisp” semi-dwarf, zone 3
  • Apricot ‘Harlayne’ a cold hardy variety that can tolerate temperatures of -30°C. It is a medium-sized apricot and freestone. The skin is a bright orange with an attractive red blush and the flesh is sweet. Although most apricots are self-pollinating, production is better if two or more cultivars can cross-pollinate.
  • Apricot ‘Harogem’-Harogem is a Canadian variety that crops in early July. Regular high productivity of medium-sized red fruits. The flesh is sweet and freestone, juicy and aromatic with good firmness. zone 4
  • Amelanchier alnifolia- the Saskatoon,  western serviceberry, h-13′ w-9′, sun to part shade. z-3  
  • Aronia melanocarpa ‘Low scape Mound’
  • Asimina triloba- Paw Paw,  discontinued 
  • Currant Ben Nevis -Medium to large clusters of blackberries. Good for jellies, jams, or wines Ripens: July, Sun h3′, zone 3  edible. My favorite currants.  Jam from it is divine
  • Currant ‘Hinnonmki red’-heavy-bearing bushes, sun, zone 4   
  • Currant “White Pearl” white to yellow, sweeter than read. sun, zone 4
  • Cherry ‘Juliet’-a deciduous shrub that produces dark red fruit with a sweet-tart flavor, h 7′, zone 3
  • Cherry ‘Romeo’ a deciduous shrub that produces dark red fruit with a sweet-tart flavor, h 12, zone 3
  • Elderberry ‘Scotia’ and ‘Kent’  
  • Gooseberry ‘Pixwell’ big oval berries change from green to blush pink. Ripens in July. Self-pollinating. h-4′. zone 3
  • Haskap ‘ Aurora’
  • Haskap ‘Borealis’ large sweet berries, an early pollinating variety, edible
  • Haskap Yezberry Solo
  • Haskap Yezberry Maxie
  • Pear” Bartlett”  
  • Pear” Bosc”  
  • Plum “Italian”
  • Raspberry ” Fall Gold”  The Fall Gold Raspberry produces two crops yearly; a late spring/early summer crop (June) and a fall crop (August to October). Rose-like white flowers produce very sweet golden raspberries. Sun to light shade, zone 5
  • Raspberry “Heritage” everbearing red raspberry, sun, zone 4
  • Raspberry ‘Jewel’
  • Sambucus canadensis- Canada elderberry, Fruits of species plants are sometimes used to make jams, jellies, pie filings, and elderberry wine. Fruits are attractive to wildlife. White flowers 06-07, h 6-12′, sun to part shade. Water: Medium to wet. zone 3

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Ornamental Trees & Shrubs

  • Aesculus hippocastanum ‘Monstrosa’ Horse chestnut. A dwarf, deciduous tree with an irregular shape eventually reaching around 3m tall. Branches are short, twisted, ridged, and often fasciated; congested clusters of buds open to small, lobed leaves that turn brownish-yellow in autumn, and white flowers are borne in spring. Sun to light shade, zone 5. Only 1 available 
  • Acer saccharum –  the sugar maple,  only 4-5′ available
  • Amelanchier alnifolia’ Obelisk’ h-12′ spread 6′,  a narrowly upright and columnar growth habit, z-3 edible 
  • Amelanchier Canadensis –commonly called shadblow serviceberry is a deciduous, early-flowering, large shrub or small tree which typically grows 15-30′ tall. Features showy, 5-petaled, slightly fragrant, white flowers. zone 4 edible
  • Amorpha canescens 
  • Aralia cordata ‘Sun King” Sun King’ emerges mid-spring with bright gold leaves held on nicely contrasting reddish-brown stems.  If given at least a few hours of sun a day, the foliage will remain yellow all summer.  In the heavier shade, the foliage ranges from chartreuse to lime green. h 3′ -4’, sun to part shade, zone 3.
  • Azalia x “Mandarin Lights”, orange single blooms, sun to part shade, zone 4, h-5′ N/A
  • Azalea Deciduous Northern Lights, pink flowers, green deciduous foliage, and narrow leaves that turn an outstanding purple in the fall. h 4-6′, sun to light shade, zone 4
  • Azalea Stewartstonian- orange-red flowers, h-5′, light shade, zone 5, protect from winter winds
  • Azalia x ‘Western Lights’, dark pink buds open to reveal a soft bubblegum-pink flower with a dark rose blotch in late spring. zone 4, h-4-6′, fragrant, sun to light shade
  • Aesculus parviflora,  the bottlebrush buckeye, is one of the best summer-flowering shrubs for shade areas. It prefers to grow in average to moist conditions and shouldn’t be allowed to dry out.  White flowers, sun to shade, h- 6-8, zone 4
  • Betula nigra  Hertige-clump
  • Betula papyrifera- Paper birch, h 50-70′, single trunk, sun to part shade, zone 2. These are about 6′-7′ tall trees and  fast-growing 
  • Berberis thunbergii” Golden nugget”
  • Berberis thunbergii “Concorde” 
  • Boxwood “Green Mountain”, pyramidal, dense, upright
  • Calycanthus floridus- Carolina Allspice- fragrant flowers, h 6-10′, sun to light shade, zone 4
  • Ceanothus americanus – New Jersey Tea, Thrives in hot, dry conditions. Drought tolerant. Roots are nitrogen fixing which enriches the soil where it is planted. Dry the leaves to make tea. White flowers provide a source of food for butterflies. H-3-4′, Sun, zone 4
  • Cephalanthus occidentalis- Buttonbush- suited to wet soils and is also a honey plant. h 6-12′, zone 4, sun to part shade
  • Cercis canadensis, multi steam- the eastern redbud. Pink flowers appear before leaves. h- 20-30′, sun to part shade, zone 5
  • Cercidiphyllum japonicum ‘Red Fox’ is a slow-growing broadleaf deciduous tree with burgundy, green and purple foliage. In spring green and red flowers emerge. h 40-50′, zone 5 
  • Clethra alnifolia’ Ruby spice ‘-Ruby Spice Summersweet. Fragrant spikes of small rich rose-pink flowers stand above glossy green foliage in the summer. Compact habit makes this a good choice for small gardens. Part shade to shade, sun in moist soil. h-4′-5′. zone 4
  • Cornus alba “Gouchaultii” Golden Variegated Dogwood has attractive yellow-variegated green foliage which emerges yellow in spring.  The red branches are extremely showy and add significant winter interest. z-3a, h-6′, sun to part shade. Seasons of Interest. zone 4
  • Cornus alba ‘Bailhalo’ Ivory Halo’ variegated leaves, h 5-6′, zone 3
  • Cornus alba ‘Jefreb’ Little Rebel’, round compact form, white flowers, h 48″, sun, zone 2
  • Cornus canadensis-bunchberry, white flowers, h 4-9″, zone 2
  • Cornus kousa ‘Satomi’ is an upright, spreading, pink-flowered cultivar that typically matures to 12-15′ tall. zone 5, beautiful tree
  • Cornus kousa ‘Summer Gold’is a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub or small tree with variegated foliage, h 12-15’, white flowers zone 5, sun to part sun. Only 2 plants will be available #3 pot
  • Cornus kousa ‘Venus’ Large, creamy white bracts that fade to pink, followed by red to orange, berry-like fruit in the fall. h-15-18′, sun to part sun, zone 5. Only 1 plant will be available, size #3 pot.
  • Cornus sericea
  • Cornus sericea “Farrow” ARCTIC FIRE, is a dwarf redtwig dogwood cultivar primarily grown for its bright red winter stems. It typically grows to 3-4′ tall and wide, with dense stems. It lacks the stoloniferous, spreading habit of the species. N/A
  • Cornus sericea “Little Kelseyi” 2-2.5 ft high, green leaves in summer and purple-reddish in fall, twigs slender, and young ones are bright red in winter: zone 3, sun to light shade.
  • Corylus americana, American hazelnut, h 10-16′, sun to part shade, zone 4 edible N/A
  • Cotinus coggygria “Royale Purple” Royal Purple Smoke Bush, h 10-15′ blooms o5-07
  • Daphne Carol Mackie- grows 3-4 feet tall and at least as wide. The small, narrow, oblong leaves are edged in gold to creamy. Fragrant, pale pink flowers in May. Best grown in moist, rich, sandy-humusy, well-drained soils with a neutral pH in part shade.   zone 4
  • Daphne x burkwoodii ‘Rosemarie’ Green leaves with a bright yellow margin that holds their color throughout the season. Not as susceptible to revert as other varieties do. Pink fragrant flowers in May. full sun to part shade. h-3′, zone 4
  • Diervilla rivularis “Firefly Nightglowe” Purple-red foliage & stems, yellow flowers. H 2-3′, full sun, zone 4, DT
  • Elsholtzia Stauntonii-shrub, purple, h-3′, sun, blooms very late 09-10 discontinued 
  • Euonymus alatus compactus-Burning Bush, spectacular fall foliage, h-9′, zone 4 discontinued
  • Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ is a variegated, shrubby form with a spreading habit that typically grows to 3-5′ tall over time. Tolerate drought and black walnut, full sun to part shade, zone 5
  • Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald N Gold is a highly regarded evergreen shrub known for its vibrant foliage. Its glossy dark green leaves are edged with gold. Sun-hade, zone 5, h 1-2′ sun to part shade
  • Forsythia x intermedia ‘Lynwood Gold, gold flowers in spring, h-6′, zone 5, sun or light shade N/A
  • Forthergilla “Mount Airy” white bottlebrush-like flowers with a honey scent cover the shrub in spring. Bright fall colors. Fothergilla grows 3-5’ tall and wide. Plant it in full to filtered shade. zone 5
  • Gaultheria procumbens, also called the eastern teaberry, the checkerberry, the boxberry, or the American wintergreen. Moist, acidic soil in part shade. h 0.25-0.50 feet. zone 3 
  • Ginkgo biloba Magyar #3 pot
  • Ginkgo biloba Menhir (narrow, symmetrical shape!) # 2 pot
  • Ginkgo biloba Roswitha #2 pot
  • Ginkgo biloba Spring Grove #2 pot
  • Ginkgo biloba ‘Vanilla Swirl’ #1
  • Ginkgo biloba variegata #1
  • Hamamelis vernalis, Ozark witch Hazel. Yellow in March, zone 4, h 6-10′, sun to part shade. 
  • Hamamelis virginiana-witch-hazel, fall-blooming, deciduous shrub or small tree that is native to woodlands, forest margins, and streams.  Yellow, sometimes tinged with orange or red flowers in October. Sun to part shade, h 15-20′, zone 3.  
  • Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’ – 7 gallon pots
  • Heptacodium miconioides “Temple of Bloom”, Seven-son flower, choice small tree or large shrub for zone 5, showy white flowers with pink calyx. Looks like there are 2 consecutive blooms with different flower colors. H-6-10″, full sun.
  • Hydrangea anomala petiolaris- Climbing Hydrangea
  • Hydrangea arborescens “Incrediball”
  • Hydrangea paniculata “Bobo “
  • Hydrangea paniculata “Confetti”   47″ high, 30″ with, cone-shaped light and airy flower heads, which also have a delicate scent. z-4 
  • Hydrangea paniculata ‘Dragon Baby’ Blooms start cream and lime before igniting to a rich pink  h 2-3′, sun- part, sun zone 3
  • Hydrangea paniculata ‘Fire Light’ z-3  
  • Hydrangea paniculata ‘Fire Light Tidbit’
  • Hydrangea “Limelight” tree form
  • Hydrangea ‘Limelight’
  • Hydrangea ‘Limelight Prime’
  • Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Fresco,  big conical flower heads in shades of green, cream, and white. h 2.5 ‘. z-3 
  • Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime Punch’ tree form
  • Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime Punch” h 3-5′  white to red
  • Hydrangea paniculata “Pinky Winky” pp#16,166 Hydrangea with two-toned, white, and pink flowers. Strong upright red stems hold the large blooms. H 6-8 feet. Full sun to partial shade. Zone: 3. N/A
  • Hydrangea paniculata ‘Puffer Fish’ The flowers open and mature to a pure white. As the blooms age, they turn lime green and, for a bit of surprise, a fresh sprig of white flowers emerges from the tip of the panicle. h 3-5′
  • Hydrangea paniculata ‘ Skyfall’ large, conical heads of creamy white petals. The flowers develop pink tints as they age. h 2-4′
  • Hydrangea paniculata Strawberry Sunday
  • Hydrangea paniculata Vanilla Strawberry
  • Hydrangea paniculata Vanilla Strawberry tree form
  • Hydrangea paniculata ‘Quick Fire’ z-3 
  • Hydrangea paniculata ‘ Tiny Quick Fire’ blooms early, with white flowers age an attractive red-pink. h 1,5-3′
  • Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Gatsby Gal’ – oakleaf hydrangea.  White flowers and oak-shaped leaves. Leaves turn colors of brilliant red, orange, and yellow, in the fall if planted in a sunny location with a little afternoon shade. h-4-6′, sun to part sun. zone 5
  • Hypericum kalmianum’ Pot O Gold’ St Johns Wort h 2′, sun to part shade, zone 4
  • Ilex verticillata-winterberry, Holly, ornamental berries, h 6-12′, sun to part shade. Protection (burlap wrap) from drying winter winds is recommended in an exposed location for all Ilex (Holly)
  • Ilex x meserveae ‘Blue Prince’ + ‘Blue Princess’ combo  
  • Juniperus Communis” Gold Cone” columnar juniper, beautiful color, zone 4 H-5-6′
  • Juniperus communis Little Pyramid #1 N/A
  • Juniperus horizontalis ‘Blue chip’ groundcover, beautiful color. Zone 3, h 8″-1′, w 5-6′, full sun
  • Juniperus horizontalis Pancake #2 
  • Juniperus squamata ‘Dream Joy’  groundcover, bright yellow new growth over bluish-green fine-textured foliage; compact, mounded. h 1-2′, sun, zone 4.
  • Juniperus squamata ‘Holger’ h-4′ spread 8′ bright, creamy-yellow new growth that stands out above the plant’s older, bluish foliage. Zone 4, full sun
  • Juniperus x pfitzeriana’ Sea of gold’ lacy, golden yellow foliage on this compact evergreen, h 2-3′ w4-5′.  Full sun, zone 4
  • Juniperus x pfitzeriana aurea- New growth is a bright, golden-yellow color.  h-5′ w-8′ full sun to light shade, zone 4
  • Lindera benzoin-Spicebush, a 5-7 foot tall shrub with yellow flowers, sweet-scented leaves, eye-catching fruit, and beautiful fall colors. Grows in the shade and moist soil. Attracts  Swallowtail butterfly, zone 4
  • Magnolia liliiflora ‘Betty’
  • Magnolia  “Elizabeth”, tree
  • Magnolia stellata ‘Leonard Messel’  
  • Magnolia soulangiana ” Royal Star
  • Magnolia soulangiana ‘Susan”
  • Mahonia aquifolium – Oregon Grape Holly- yellow flowers, h-3′-4′, ornamental foliage doesn’t like to be exposed to cold winter winds. zone 5
  • Malus  “Purple spire” Purple Spire Columnar Crabapple features airy clusters of fragrant pink flowers along the branches in mid-spring before the leaves. as dark green-variegated deep purple foliage throughout the season. h-15′ zone 3a. Fruit is edible and very tasty.
  • Malus ‘Royal Raindrops’ is an ornamental tree prized for its beautiful pink spring blooms. It has a dark-purple foliage. h 15′-20′ w 12-16′, zone 4. Fruit is showy and edible. Only 3 available
  • Myrica gale- sweet gale, bog-myrtle. 3-6′. Bog myrtle is a common plant of wet bogs, heaths, and lake edges and is well known traditionally as a natural insect repellent. F and M are needed for fruit. h 3-6′, sun to shade, moist to wet. zone 2
  • Myrica pensylvanica-Northern Bayberry, h-5′-10′, sun to part shade, zone 3. Tolerates drought, erosion, poor soils, wet soil, high winds, and salt spray. Fruits are attractive to birds. F and M are needed for fruit. 
  • Paulownia tomentosa ‘Princess Tree”- ornamental foliage, it will die back in zone 5 and grow again, grows up to 15-20’ in a year, N/A
  • Philadelphus x “Snowbelle”- mock orange, very fragrant, h 4-5′, sun to part shade, zone 4
  • Physocarpus opulifolius “Diabolo”, purple-leaved ninebark cultivar, sun to part shade, h 5-8′
  • Prunus cistena – the purple-leaf sand cherry or dwarf red-leaf plum 
  • Prunus persica ‘Marion Jarvie‘ Std, pink, double flower, h-10’ or more, zone 5, Only 2 available, sun to part sun.
  • Quercus palustris, also called pin oak or swamp oak. h 50-70′, Sun, zone 4. Water: Medium to wet
  • Rhododendron PGM Elite – purple-violet flowers, h 5-6′, part san, acid soil, zone 4
  • Salix gracilistyla “Melanostachys”-black pussy willow, h-23′, slow-growing shrub, z-4
  • Salix Integra “Hakuro Nishiki”-dappled willow, h-6′, sun-part shade, DT  
  • Sambucus canadensis-elderberry- deciduous shrub or small tree, multi-stemmed, measuring 5 to 12 feet tall and is usually wider than it is tall. White flowers, black berries. Zone-3, sun to part shade
  • Sambucus nigra” Black Lace” black European elder, sun to part shade, zone 4, h 6 to 8′
  • Spiraea japonica “Magic carpet”, my favorite Spiraea 
  • Spiraea nipponica “Halward’s Silver -A beautiful garden detail shrub, smothered in snow-white flowers in late spring along gracefully arching branches, attractive compact form, and fine foliage the rest of the year; full sun and well-drained soil. H-3′, zone 3
  • Spiraea nipponica ”Snowmound – Profuse white flowers in small corymbs cover the arching stems of this plant in late spring. h-5′, sun, zone 3
  • Syringa” Bloomerang”  Dark Purple  It blooms in spring along with other lilacs, takes a brief rest to put on new growth, then blooms again from mid-summer through fall.  h 48-60″  sun.
  • Syringa x vulgaris “Agincourt Beauty”- it is considered one of the best purple Lilacs available. h8-12′, sun
  • Syringa x Vulgaris “Charles Joly”- fragrant magenta double flowers, h 10-12′, zone 3, sun
  • Syringa x Vulgaris” Krasavitsa Moskvy”/Beauty of Moscow, rosebuds open to cream white, doesn’t sucker like other lilacs, h-10′, zone 2
  • Syringa x Vulgaris “Ludwig Spaeth”- fragrant reddish-purple flowers, h 10-12′, zone 3, sun   
  • Syringa vulgaris “Monge” Deep reddish purple, Tolerate deer, clay soil. Sun, h 8-10′
  • Syringa x Vulgaris ” Nadezhda” is a true double that gives a bicolor effect in shades of lilac blue. H-7′-10′, zone 3, sun
  • Syringa ‘President Grevy ‘- highly fragrant, double lavender-blue, h 10-12’, zone 3, sun 
  • Sambucus canadensis-American Elderberry, small white flowers are followed by a purple-black edible fruit and when cooked can be used in pies, pancakes, and jellies. h 5-12′, full sun to part shade, zone 3
  • Weigela florida ” Spilled Wine ” h 2-3′, dark foliage, pink flowers 06, zone 4 
  • Weigela florida ‘Electric love’  dark-leaved Weigela with true-red flowers, h-2′, zone 4, sun to part sun  
  • Wisteria macrostachys “Blue Moon”

Protection (burlap wrap) from drying winter winds is recommended in an exposed location for all Taxus.

Taxus-yews are toxic to humans and animals, so care should be exercised in planting them around children and pets. 

  • Taxus x media ‘ Dark green spreader’ a graceful, spreading yew with a compact habit and dark, forest-green foliage. h 4-5′ w 6-7′, sun to shade, zone 4
  • Taxus x media’Hicksi’dense, a columnar cultivar with ascending branching. h 12′-18′ in 20 years. Tolerate: Rabbit, Drought, Heavy Shade
  • Taxus x media ‘Stonehenge ‘naturally grows with a narrow, columnar habit, which makes it a versatile landscape shrub.                      h 96 – 120”, w 24-48″, zone 4, sun to shade
  • Tsuga canadensis, also known as an eastern hemlock-pyramidal evergreen tree, h 40-70′, like moist but well-drained soil. Hemlock provides nesting habitat and seeds for many birds and food for moose, deer, and rabbits in the winter. Many animals will find shelter under low brunches. zone 3, sun to part shade
  • Viburnum trilobum ‘Compactum’ Flat-topped clusters of creamy-white flowers; Red berries are attractive to birds; Textured three-lobed green leaves turn reddish-purple in the fall. h 5-6′, zone 3
  • Viburnum lentago, nannyberry, shrub with white flowers and bluish-black berries, h 10-20′, sun to part shade 
  • Viburnum × burkwoodii, the Burkwood viburnum, white, fragrant flowers in May, h 8-10”, sun to part shade, zone 4

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Interesting conifers and Japanese maples 

New cultivars in bold font

Listed as Quantity available-Name -pot size(gal)

  • 2 Abies concolor ‘Blue clock’ #1
  • 3 Abies concolor Wintergold #1  
  • 1 Abies concolor Wintergold #3 
  • 3 Abies fraseri Klein’s Nest #1 
  • 1 Abies koreana Alpine Star #1 
  • 1 Abies koreana Blauer Pfiff #3
  • 1 Abies koreana Blue Magic #1 
  • 3 Abies koreana Glauca #1 
  • 1 Abies koreana Hexenbesen Horstmann #1 
  • 1 Abies koreana Kristalkugel #1
  • 3 Abies koreana Oberon STD #1
  • 1 Abies koreana Silberlocke #1 
  • 8 Abies koreana Silver Show #1 
  • 1 Abies koreana Silver Show #3 
  • 1  Acer circinatum Baby Buttons #1
  • 2 Acer palmatum Bloodgood #3
  • 2 Acer palmatum Burgundy Lace #1
  • 3 Acer palmatum dissectum Autumn Fire #1
  • 2  Acer palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen #1 
  • 1  Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Dreagon’s Fire #1
  • 3 Acer palmatum dissectum Emperor 1 #1
  • 2 Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Filigree’ #1
  • 3 Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Garnet’ #1
  • 1 Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Kurui jishi ‘#1
  • 2 Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Limelight’ #2
  • 3 Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Inaba Shidare’ #2
  • 2 Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Jeddeloh Orange’ #1
  • 3 Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Orangeola’ #2
  • 2 Acer palmatum dissectum Pendulum ‘Julian’ #1
  • 3 Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Red Dragon’  #1
  • 2 Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Tamuke-yama’ #1
  • 2 Acer palmatum ‘Geisha Gone Wild’ #1
  • 2 Acer palmatum ‘Pixie’ #1
  • 1 Acer palmatum Red Pygmy #2
  • 1Acer palmatum Red Pygmy #3
  • 1 Acer palmatum Sango-kaku
  • 1 Acer palmatum Shidava Gold #1
  • 1 Acer palmatum Sumi nagashi #2
  • 2 Chamaecyparis obtusa Fernspray Gold #1
  • 2 Larix decidua Darling Susie #2
  • 2 Larix decidua Lanark #2
  • 5 Larix decidua’Pendula’ Standart #5
  • 2 Larix decidua Prag #2
  • 5 Larix kaempferi Blue Ball #1
  • 5 Larix kaempferi Dwarf Blue #2
  • 6 Larix kaempferi Grey Pearl #2
  • 2 Larix kaempferi Little Boogle #2 
  • 1 Larix kaempferi ‘Stiff Weeping’ #3
  • 3 Larix laricina ‘Nash’ Pedula #3
  • 2 Picea abies ‘Cobra’ #3
  • 2 Picea abies Goblin  #1
  • 3 Pendula abies aurea pendula #2
  • 2 Picea abies Pendula STD #3
  • 6 Picea abies Perry’s Gold #1
  • 4 Picea abies Pusch #1
  • 1 Picea abies Spring Fire #1
  • 3 Picea abies Zajecice #1
  • 1 Picea glauca Burkwitch #2
  • Picea glauca ‘Hudsonii’ #2
  • 6 Picea glauca Golden Harbour #2
  • 3 Picea glauca “Yukon blue” #2
  • 2 Picea omorika Blue Sky #2
  • 1 Picea omorika Kuschen #1
  • 3 Picea omorika Nana #2
  • 2 Picea omorika Nana #3
  • 2 Picea omorika pendula ‘Bruns’ #1
  • 3 Picea omorika pendula’Major’#1
  • 2 Picea omorika pendula ‘Major’ #3
  • 2 Picea omorika ‘Pimoko’ #2
  • 3 Picea omorika ‘Radloff’ #1
  • 4 Picea omorika’Silver seedling #2
  • 10 Picea pungens Blue Mist #2
  • 2 Picea pungens ‘Colonial Gold’ #2
  • 3 Picea pungens ‘Corbet’ #2
  • 2 Picea pungens Filip’s Blue Compact #2 
  • 2 Picea pungens Glauca Globosa #3
  • 4 Picea pungens Glauca Globosa STD #3
  • 3 Picea pungens Lucretia #2
  • 3 Picea pungens Mision Blue #2
  • 3 Picea pungens ‘Nimetz’ #1
  • 3 Picea pungens Pincushion #2
  • 3 Picea pungens ‘Procumbens’ #1
  • 3 Picea pungens Sester’s Dwarf #1
  • 3 Picea pungens ‘Spring Blast #1
  • 8 Picea pungens The Blues #1
  • 2 Pinus koraiensis Jack Korbit #2
  • 2 Pinus koraiensis Jack Korbit #1
  • 1 Pinus koraiensis ‘Oculus Draconis’ #3
  • 3 Pinus mugo ‘Amber Gold’ #1
  • 3 Pinus mugo Aurea Fastigiata #1
  • 2 Pinus mugo Aurea Fastigiata #4
  • 2 Pinus mugo Carsten’s Wintergold #2
  • 3 Pinus mugo Carsten’s Wintergold #1
  • 2 Pinus mugo Columnaris’#3
  • 3 Pinus mugo ‘Donna’s Mini’ #1
  • 1 Pinus mugo ‘Frisby’ #1
  • 4 Pinus mugo Charlie’s Gold #2
  • 1 Pinus mugo Kokarde #1
  • 4 Pinus mugo Sherwood Compact #1
  • 1 Pinus mugo Spring Glow #2
  • 2 Pinus mugo Sunshine #2
  • 3 Pinus mugo ‘Wintergold’ #2
  • 3 Pinus mugo ‘Winter Sonne’#1
  • 3 Pinus mugo ‘Wei’s Blue’ #1
  • 3 Pinus mugo ‘Zundert’ #1
  • 1 Pinus nigra Globe #2
  • 2 Pinus nigra Green Tower #4
  • 5 Pinus nigra Green Tower #2
  • 2 Pinus nigra ‘Green Rocket’ #2
  • 1 Pinus strobus Angel Falls #2
  • 4 Pinus strobus Angel Falls #1
  • 4 Pinus strobus Diggy #2
  • 4 Pinus strobus Excitation #2
  • 3 Pinus strobus Fastigiata #2
  • 2 Pinus strobus Forest Sky #2
  • 2 Pinus strobus Horsford #2
  • 3 Pinus strobus Kruger’s Lilliput #2
  • 2 Pinus strobus Louie #2
  • 5 Pinus strobus Mini Twist #1
  • 4 Pinus strobus Minuta #2
  • 3 Pinus strobus Nana #2
  • 1 Pinus strobus Niagara Falls #3
  • 3 Pinus strobus Oliver’s Dwarf #2
  • 2 Pinus strobus pendula #1
  • 2 Pinus strobus pendula #2
  • 3 Pinus strobus Tiny Curls #1
  • 1 Pinus sylvestris Gold Coin #2
  • 4 Pinus sylvestris ‘Kelpie’
  • 1 Pinus sylvestris ‘Little Brolly’ #2
  • 7 Pinus sylvestris Jeremy #2
  • 6 Pinus sylvestris Little Ann #2
  • 4 Thuja occidentalis Rhinegold #2
  • 1 Tsuga canadensis Golden Splendour #3
  • 1Tsuga canadensis Dawsoniana #1
  • 4 Tsuga canadensis Moon Frost #1
  • 1 Tsuga canadensis Moon Frost #3
  • 2 Tsuga canadensis Moonglow #1
  • 1 Tsuga canadensis New Gold #1
  • 1 Tsuga canadensis Popaleuski #1
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Please Note:  some plants are in short supply.

We don’t take debit or credit cards. Payment: cash, e-transfer, cheque only

No warranty is made as to the productiveness of any stock sold.